New Lake Martin water levels are official. Alabama Power officially announced the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has issued a new operational license for Lake Martin. The approved license appears to meet the points approved by FERC in April of 2015, after previously being denied during the nine-year re-licensing review and application process. Although this is not new news, it is nice to hear the Lake Martin rule curve is finally OFFICIAL.
Below, there is a link to the full FERC order issuing the new Martin Dam license to Alabama Power as well as 2 other articles. If you are like me, you just want to know the key points.
New Water Levels
- License calls for 30 day review period; rule curve may start as early as January 20, 2016.
- Lake Martin winter level will be 494′ (493 Martin Datum); 3′ increase from previous 491′ elevation (490 Martin Datum).
- Lake Martin may remain at full pool until October 15 each year. Six week extension from the original September 1 date.
- Extension based on rainfall and may occur “in the fall when conditions allow it” (Jim Crew, Hydro Services manager for Alabama Power).
More information is in the new Lake Martin license agreement- it’s worth the read. The new Lake Martin agreement includes a recreational plan, an environmental plan, a wildlife plan, a protection of Natural/Undeveloped land, and changes to lands classified as “potential residential”.
Low pool, it is a perfect time to buy a waterfront home on Lake Martin. There will be no surprises when the lake is not at full pool. If you are interested in information on Lake Martin Real Estate for sale, I would be happy to send you the most current information. Feel free to contact me for information or perform your own waterfront property search.
Lake Martin Water Level
I created a Lake Martin Water Level page you can bookmark to make it simple to check the lake level. I hope this is a valuable resource.